Friday, February 18, 2011

Workouts 4 & 5 are in the books

Workout 5: YogaX– Total Calories Burned - 375

So last night I did the YogaX workout and it was hard. I do yoga regularly, however I am inhibited in some poses because of my weight (i.e. my boobs and gut get in the way). My mind and heart want to do the pose but my body just won't let me. I am so looking forward to the day when my body is no longer in my way! 

The yoga workout also helped to get rid of some of the soreness - that was a wonderful bonus!
Workout 6: Legs and Back – Total Calories Burned - 400

This morning I did the Legs and Back workout. Again, it was great! I really love the structure of this system. Not terribly fond of lunges, but I did them anyways and managed to burn 400 calories.

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