Monday, August 11, 2008


I am seriously stuck in my fundraising. It is all I think about and I cannot seem to come up with any ideas that will work. I need to raise the money (I can't afford to pay it myself) and I just can't seem to do it. I am so frustrated!!

Training is going okay. I have been able to get in some shorter (3-4 mile ) runs a couple of times a week, but between being out of town, sick or having a sick kid I have not been able to make it out to the long Saturday runs. That sucks! I have also been having a little pain in my lower back and that scares me. I have three herniated disks and I don't to be down again with them. (I was down for 2 months last year). I am sure it is because I have been slacking off on my ab work. I did a schedule this morning with a plan to run, do yoga, ab work and some weight training for my arms. I hope my family will let me do it!! I feel like I have the desire it it everyone else's schedule or needs that keeps getting me off track.

On a exciting note - just 31 days till I leave for Hawaii for two weeks!!

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