Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Here are the details:On Saturday morning at the end of a great training day with the cycling team, I was coming back from Hospital Hill (TNTer's know this route) and was starting up the short but very steep incline back in to Woodward Park I was having some difficulty shifting my bike in to a lower gear and decided to stop. I coasted over to the curb on the right hand side where I put my right foot out to balance myself. Well - my foot missed or got caught or landed wrong or something because the next thing I knew I was falling in slow motion and my leg/foot was in excruciating pain. As I landed I rolled to my left side and while rolling I was watching my foot go from being 90 degrees the wrong way back into place. I just about passed out. Special thanks to coach Sherri and Steve who were there with me and kept me calm while waiting for the ambulance. The ambulance finally arrived after 11-12 minutes (FYI don't get hurt back here because it is hard to find you, even though VCH is less than 2 miles away) they stablized me and took me to St. Agnes where I was x-rayed, pumped full of morophine and put in a three sided cast and sent home with instructions to call the surgeon on Monday. I broke both the Tibia and the Fibia in a total of three places. I will be having surgery sometime this week to put some rods and bolts in to bring it all back together to heal. I will be out of commission from 6 to 12 weeks depending on the healing. Anyone who wants to bring me coffee, magazines and movies will be greatly appreciated!!

I will be going in for surgery on 2/4 to repair the break. Wish me luck!

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