Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well, I am on my way to healing the broken ankle. I had surgery on 2/4 where they put it all back together with screws. I haven't seen the x-rays yet, but my sis and hubby said that there are definitely more than three in there. I got a good look at the incision sites yesterday and I am sporting at least 24 staples. I will end up with two long scars, one on each side of me ankle/foot. I am also multicolored as a result of the bruising - my brother in law Neil suggested I stop playing the the yellow paint!! I have started drinking pineapple juice with the hopes that it will start to heal the bruising. There is a enzyme in pineapples that breaks down clots.

As the the century ride - I think I will be asking for a deferral until next year. I am pretty scared to get back on a bike right now. I really need to concentrate on losing some more weight and getting a lot stronger.


Anonymous said...

My heart is with you and when you are ready to get back on a bike, I promise to ride with you.

Unknown said...

Chandra..I am so sorry to hear about your ankle. I am also here to encourage you! I dislocated my foot and broke the bone in my leg where it goes into my ankle 4+ years ago. I too had surgery to re-attach the bone that broke, 5 screws and a metal plate. It took a few months, but I got on the treadmill and slowly but surely, made progress. I did the Nike half marathon this year ( I was on your team, my name is Susan Osterhout..Not sure if you remember me..) Anyway, I had the plate and screws removed this fall after Nike and am doing pretty well. I am curious where and who did your surgery. I believe you WILL be back up in no time. I know where you have been, and will be praying for your quick recovery!
You can do this and be stronger than ever!

Chandra said...

Thanks guys. I am glad to have the support. Susan - Dr. Kevin Lester did the surgery.