Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Training on 6/3/08

Well Tuesday night was a real treat! We got to do hills training. We ran about 3 miles which included some sprints, high knees and two times up a steep hill. Then for fun we went up the hill backwards too. My legs are sore today. It is a good soreness - but still sore. I definatly need to step up the cross training, I have to get my arms strong so that I can use them to pump my way up the hills. My next training should be a easy 3 mile run - now just to find the time. (I have huge wedding this weekend and it is majorly messing with my training schedule!)

I also need to work on my fundraising. Letters have gone out, but I need to plan some events and do some business solicitation letters too. I am actually getting a little freaked out about the amount of money I have to raise.

till later....

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